Cultural Activities
Here, the students are taught folk, light and classical music along with playing various musical instruments like the tabla, Drum, harmonium etc. Children are taught to appreciate music and dance by a team of dedicated and talented teachers who have mastered the art of engaging students in melody and rhythm. The fundamentals of various dance forms are also taught to students who have an inclination towards dancing, by qualified Indian & Western dance teachers. Cultural activities are designed to encourage the children to come together in a spirit of harmony and celebration and mould them into truly global citizen.
Music & Dance
Here, the students are taught folk, light and classical music along with playing various musical instruments like the Sitar, Harmonium, Drums etc. Children are taught to appreciate music and dance by a team of dedicated and talented teachers who have mastered the art of engaging students in melody and rhythm. The fundamentals of various dance forms are also taught to students, who have an inclination towards dancing, by qualified Indian & Western dance teachers.
Music: Bhajans, Classical Song
Instrument : Tabla,Drum
Physical Activities
We offer an impressive number of sports at all levels including athletics, football, basketball, gymnastics, cricket, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, Marshall Art etc.. Teamwork and sportsmanship skills are at the heart of the programme. Early morning activities at sunrise are a key element of every boarder’s life. They provide a daily opportunity to commune with nature at its finest hour and to build strength and energy for the day ahead.
Recreational Activities
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