Online Admission

Admission Form

1. Admission sought to :
Maximum upload size: 268.44MB
Details of last school attended (if applicable)
c. Details of Marks/ Grade obtained in the last Annual/Pre Board Examination. Class I to X (copy of the previous Progress Report to be attached)
d. Stream offered (Std. XI & XII)
Elective: Maths/ Biology/Comp. Sc./Phy.Edu.
Elective: Maths/ Comp. Sc./Phy.Edu.
In case of Staff Child, Name of the Parent working in St. Xavier International School,
[The School provides transport facility but offers no guarantee that a seat in the School bus will be available, when the buses are full to capacity/ do not
ply in the area of your residence. It will be the responsibility of the Parents/ guardians to drop & pick up the child from the specified bus stop.]
Signature of Parent/Guardian